why did 99% OF CLIENTS endorse YDC’s CLINICAL WORK in 2021-22?

Our priority and your generosity reclaim lives.

Our Reach…

  • In 2021-22:

  • We served 148 families at our community clinic and delivered a total of 7,205 individual and 646 family therapy sessions.

  • Provided school-based mental health services in 4 public schools:

    • 178 unduplicated students

    • 1,293 counseling sessions (1,090 individual and 203 group)

    • 181 teacher consultation meetings

    • 55 parent meetings

  • Individual Counseling Outcomes:

    • 75% demonstrated a decrease in T-scores by at least one standard deviation on the BASC instrument.

    • 40% demonstrated a decrease in T-scores by at least two deviations on the BASC instrument.

  • Group Social-Emotional Learning Outcomes:

    • 87% showed an increase in one or more SEL competencies on the SSIS-SEL instrument.

    • 76% showed an increase in two more SEL competencies on the SSIS-SEL instrument.

    • In 2023, we will increase the availability of materials that are age and culturally appropriate for kindergarteners through middle schoolers. Our focus on trauma resulting from poverty, food insecurity, abuse/neglect, high crime, homelessness, and lack of access to medical care with strengthen through additional staff and client training.