On-location, community-based services

We bring professional services directly to schools and other child-based program sites in Newark, Essex County, and surrounding communities. Our mental health and prevention services utilize clinically-tested and proven methodologies for the given age group, and have the overall goal of improving healthy decision making, overall social functioning, and development of appropriate strategies to address their problems.


We partner with schools to establish school-based mental health clinics through our Medicaid license. Schools need to provide a space that is approved by Medicaid, as well as documents including a current Certificate of Occupancy (CO) and Fire Inspection. Once this is established, students and their families can be seen by a clinician and we will bill Medicaid directly for services provided. Please contact the YDC Executive Director, Dr. Mark Kitzie, directly at 973-494-5801 or via email at mkitzie@ydcnj.org if your school has an interest in this service.

trainings & workshops

To ensure effectiveness when working with children at-risk, we provide your staff with trainings, workshops, consultation, and supervision on issues related to child and adolescent functioning and success.

Examples of recent training topics include: 

  • Psychological Influences of Violent Behavior

  • The Stresses of Life

  • Taking Care of Yourself: Body and Mind

  • How to Deal with Angry Adults: Communication 101

  • Navigating the System: A Professional’s Roadmap to Advocate for Youth

  • Recognizing Mental Health issues in Young Children

  • Stress Busters

  • Managing Challenging Behaviors: A Survival Guide

  • Understanding the Role of Culture

  • Trauma and the Preschooler: A Helper’s Guide

  • Child Development and Norms / Classroom Management

  • ACT – Against Violence Workshop

  • Understanding Autism

  • Sexual Development

  • Adolescent Mental Health

  • Special Needs Accommodation in the Classroom

early intervention program

Using classroom observations and teacher consultations, our staff designs and applies intervention models that promote the development of positive behavior and adjustment in early childhood settings. 

In-School Counseling for Students with behavioral difficulties

We provide in-school counseling and support services for students with behavioral difficulties that may have required out-of-district placement in the past. Our comprehensive services and programs allow these students to stay in-district, which then allows school districts to stay in compliance with the LRE (Least Restrictive Environment), while providing the necessary support for the children to receive educational services within their local schools. Counseling services are also provided for private schools and charter schools. 

- Consultation for section 504 plan development
- CST overflow


Training Programs for Advanced Degree Professionals

We work with Master’s and Doctoral-level Psychologists, providing clinical staff supervision for practica, internships, and accreditation programs. We meet PSYDNYS-NYNJADOT Externship Guidelines and have trained students from several academic institutions including the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University (GSAPP), Fairleigh Dickinson University, Montclair State University, Kean University, Yeshiva University, Adelphi University, Fordham University, Hofstra University, Long Island University, and the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.